The following offers a bit more detail on the INCUBATOR services and process:


Experiment Foundations: Business Formation Recommendation

Experiment Foundations: Business Formation Recommendation offers resources and guidance to help you decide on the type of business entity for your company and the steps required to form it. 

Theory Assessment: Readiness Roundtables

Theory Assessment: Readiness Roundtables are held once per quarter and offer those who attend the opportunity to ask serial entrepreneurs and business experts questions about their idea, product, or company and receive input from the panel members and hear their opinions on its viability and how (or if) to move the concept forward. 

Approach Fundamentals: Readiness Consultations

Approach Fundamentals: Readiness Consultations are held by appointment, typically after a candidate attends a Readiness Roundtable. A Readiness Consultation most often focuses on discussing go-to-market strategies for a product or service and providing input on business planning. 

Experiment Operations Guidance: Masterminds Meetings

Experiment Operations Guidance: Masterminds Meetings are scheduled based on availability and demand. The Lab Masterminds have expertise and experience in a broad array of topics, including management, sales, marketing, operations, partnership strategies, finance, capital formation, taxes, exit strategies, and more. 

Variable Readiness Assessment: Group and Private Pitch Sessions

Variable Readiness Assessment: Group and Private Pitch Sessions are scheduled periodically during the Incubation process to allow entrepreneurs to sharpen their “pitch” skills as they prepare to package and present their companies, products, or services to potential investors and funding sources. These Assessment Sessions are designed to be fun and informative, but can also be intense. 

Launch/Operational Support: Mentorship Programs and Hands-on Support

Launch/Operational Support: Mentorship Programs and Hands-on Support are typically associated with those entrepreneurs and companies that are a part of our Incubator Cadre, but in some cases, we may extend these support services to those not associated with a Cadre. Such services are by invitation only.  

Creative Business Candidate Incubation

Creative Business Candidate Incubation: Incubation candidates must apply and qualify to participate in a three-month business readiness and acceleration program. The program involves 10 steps to launch, including Legal & Capital Structure Review, Concept Review, Positioning/Messaging, Competitive Landscape, Operational Platform, Capital/Funding Requirements, Sales Engagement Process/Pricing Model, Pro forma Modeling, Go-to-Market Strategy, and Launch Presentation. 

Incubation Process

Those individuals and companies selected for a Cadre will collaborate with the Lab Staff and Masterminds, typically over a three-month period, to work through the first three stages, followed by a post incubation review:three months later.

 Stage 1                                                                               Gather/Reflect/Review                  Conceptualize

1.      Concept Review
Legal & Capital Structure Review
Competitive Landscape / Industry Analysis

Stage 2                                                                              Position/Price/Capitalize                 Capitalize

4.      Positioning/Messaging - Branding
Sales Engagement Process/Pricing Model
Capital/Funding Requirements

Stage 3                                                                              Envision/Project/Launch                  Monetize              

7.      Operational Platform
Pro forma / Modeling
Go-to-Market Strategy
Launch Pitch

Stage 4                                                                              Review/Evaluate/Assess                  Accelerate

11.    Three-month review: Self Assessment Take-aways
Course Corrections