CCI Art Car Request Form

Colorado Creative Districts interested in renting out the ArtCar from the 2019 Colorado Creativity Summit in Salida, Colorado may do so here.

Fill out the below form and we will contact you shortly!

TERMS OF USE: The Art Car is available to all Certified Creative Districts free of charge. To schedule use of the Art Car, complete the form below. Completion of the form does not guarantee the availability of the Art Car. All users of the Art Car must possess a valid Colorado Driver’s License and must abide by all laws while operating the Art Car. Districts must require any driver of the Art Car to have proof of current auto insurance coverage. Districts must pick up and return the Art Car to a designated location. The Art Car must remain within the User’s Creative District area during use. The Art Car is a rolling art installation and must be treated as such. Do not operate the vehicle in a manner, on terrain/roadways, or at speeds that jeopardize the art. No smoking or drinking in the Art Car at any time. Districts must return the Art Car with a full tank of gas and a clean interior. Districts are responsible for any damages and/or repairs needed resulting from their use of the Art Car. CCI and The Creativity Lab bear no responsibility for any loss or injury occurring related to the Art Car use.